
AirBnB - How Hotels can use the platform

Hotel-Tech | 17 Sept 2019

AirBnb - How Hotels can also use the platform to diversify their online distribution.

In this tenth AYHT video we will focus on the advantages that this platform can offer to your hotel in terms of online distribution and the relevance for you to be present on the platform today.  


With the Apartment rental and home sharing industry, Airbnb has grown enormously over the last years, but how you, as a hotelier, can also take advantage of this platform in order to diversify your online distribution? 


In this new AYHT video we will explain you the main practical and technical features of the platform, such as the specific signup process, the possibilities that API connections with other partners can offer, or the break-through concept of the host as the core of the booking process and that really distinguishes Airbnb from the OTAs. Also, the specific criteria you may follow by setting your user account, as well as the formal requirements you may meet in order to be correctly listed on the platform and target the right audience. 


What are Airbnb's standards for hotels and other hospitality businesses?


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